Lukas Wagner
Námestie generála Štefánika 53-55, 977 01 Brezno, Slowakei
Odhadovaná cena
15 000 €

The main square in Brezno is already designed.
The single objects on the square are well organised and offer the people different options for different needs and different functions.

Nevertheless, there is one thing missing.
The square is a good-weather-only-square.
If you want to protect yourself from rain or heat, you have to use the commercial facilities. They have protective roofs, but you have to consume and spend money.

To make the square a more welcoming place, even in times of bad weather, the info-point in the western end of the square gets transformed.

By opening the collumns, the pavilion can be entered from all sides. The info sheets will be applied directly to the collumns. Through the additional roof, the pavilion becomes weather proof and helps the inhabitants to stay dry in the rain and cool in the heat.

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